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The easiest step you can take to maintain the health of your air conditioner is also the simplest. Take a proactive approach and set a monthly reminder to check your air filter. You will want to replace it at least every three months although it might need more frequent changing if you have pets of smokers in the home. This simple step will do more than anything else to keep your air conditioner in working order.

When a professional inspector visits your home to assess your outdoor condensing unit, they will run through a checklist that includes:

Inspecting the outdoor condensing unit
Looking for any visible coolant leaks
Taking a close look at the drain pan, drain line and p-trap
Making sure all the wiring and control unit are in good shape
Inspecting the blower assembly for any signs of problems
Making sure the thermostat is accurate and operating normally
Checking the temperature differential for the right ratio
Inspecting refrigerant lines for leaks
Inspecting your filter
The sizing of the unit should match the SQFT of the structure